- @interface NSDate (WQCalendarLogic)
0. 首先需要知道这个月有多少天:
- - (NSUInteger)numberOfDaysInCurrentMonth
- {
- // 频繁调用 [NSCalendar currentCalendar] 可能存在性能问题
- return [[NSCalendar currentCalendar] rangeOfUnit:NSDayCalendarUnit inUnit:NSMonthCalendarUnit forDate:self].length;
- }
1. 确定这个月的第一天是星期几。这样就能知道给定月份的第一周有几天:
- - (NSDate *)firstDayOfCurrentMonth
- {
- NSDate *startDate = nil;
- BOOL ok = [[NSCalendar currentCalendar] rangeOfUnit:NSMonthCalendarUnit startDate:&startDate interval:NULL forDate:self];
- NSAssert1(ok, @"Failed to calculate the first day of the month based on %@", self);
- return startDate;
- }
- - (NSUInteger)weeklyOrdinality
- {
- return [[NSCalendar currentCalendar] ordinalityOfUnit:NSDayCalendarUnit inUnit:NSWeekCalendarUnit forDate:self];
- }
2. 减去第一周的天数,剩余天数除以7,得到倍数和余数:
- - (NSUInteger)numberOfWeeksInCurrentMonth
- {
- NSUInteger weekday = [[self firstDayOfCurrentMonth] weeklyOrdinality];
- NSUInteger days = [self numberOfDaysInCurrentMonth];
- NSUInteger weeks = 0;
- if (weekday > 1) {
- weeks += 1, days -= (7 - weekday + 1);
- }
- weeks += days / 7;
- weeks += (days % 7 > 0) ? 1 : 0;
- return weeks;
- }
- @interface WQCalendarTileView : UIView
- @interface WQCalendarGridView : UIView
- @property (nonatomic, weak) id<WQCalendarGridViewDataSource> dataSource;
- @property (nonatomic, weak) id<WQCalendarGridViewDelegate> delegate;
- - (void)reloadData;
- @class WQCalendarGridView;
- @protocol WQCalendarGridViewDataSource <NSObject>
- @required
- - (NSUInteger)numberOfRowsInGridView:(WQCalendarGridView *)gridView;
- - (WQCalendarTileView *)gridView:(WQCalendarGridView *)gridView tileViewForRow:(NSUInteger)row column:(NSUInteger)column;
- @optional
- - (CGFloat)heightForRowInGridView:(WQCalendarGridView *)gridView;
- @end
- @protocol WQCalendarGridViewDelegate <NSObject>
- - (void)gridView:(WQCalendarGridView *)gridView didSelectAtRow:(NSUInteger)row column:(NSUInteger)column;
- @end
第一个dataSource方法上面已经可以计算出来了,第二个dataSource方法需要对每一个tile进行配置,比如非当前月的以灰色展示,那么我们就需要知道当前月展示中包含的 上个月残留部分,和 下个月的开头部分:
- #pragma mark - method to calculate days in previous, current and the following month.
- - (void)calculateDaysInPreviousMonthWithDate:(NSDate *)date
- {
- NSUInteger weeklyOrdinality = [[date firstDayOfCurrentMonth] weeklyOrdinality];
- NSDate *dayInThePreviousMonth = [date dayInThePreviousMonth];
- NSUInteger daysCount = [dayInThePreviousMonth numberOfDaysInCurrentMonth];
- NSUInteger partialDaysCount = weeklyOrdinality - 1;
- NSDateComponents *components = [dayInThePreviousMonth YMDComponents];
- self.daysInPreviousMonth = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:partialDaysCount];
- for (int i = daysCount - partialDaysCount + 1; i < daysCount + 1; ++i) {
- WQCalendarDay *calendarDay = [WQCalendarDay calendarDayWithYear:components.year month:components.month day:i];
- [self.daysInPreviousMonth addObject:calendarDay];
- [self.calendarDays addObject:calendarDay];
- }
- }
- - (void)calculateDaysInCurrentMonthWithDate:(NSDate *)date
- {
- NSUInteger daysCount = [date numberOfDaysInCurrentMonth];
- NSDateComponents *components = [date YMDComponents];
- self.daysInCurrentMonth = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:daysCount];
- for (int i = 1; i < daysCount + 1; ++i) {
- WQCalendarDay *calendarDay = [WQCalendarDay calendarDayWithYear:components.year month:components.month day:i];
- [self.daysInCurrentMonth addObject:calendarDay];
- [self.calendarDays addObject:calendarDay];
- }
- }
- - (void)calculateDaysInFollowingMonthWithDate:(NSDate *)date
- {
- NSUInteger weeklyOrdinality = [[date lastDayOfCurrentMonth] weeklyOrdinality];
- if (weeklyOrdinality == 7) return ;
- NSUInteger partialDaysCount = 7 - weeklyOrdinality;
- NSDateComponents *components = [[date dayInTheFollowingMonth] YMDComponents];
- self.daysInFollowingMonth = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:partialDaysCount];
- for (int i = 1; i < partialDaysCount + 1; ++i) {
- WQCalendarDay *calendarDay = [WQCalendarDay calendarDayWithYear:components.year month:components.month day:i];
- [self.daysInFollowingMonth addObject:calendarDay];
- [self.calendarDays addObject:calendarDay];
- }
- }